Research and development



Innovation as an action of renewal led these professors of the University of Pisa to get into the game when their career was consolidated and achieved.


The aim is to transfer the skills acquired in the university laboratory to innovate the industry as well and give small-medium companies the opportunity to meet the research and increase their competitiveness not only through the usual cost reduction but through product innovation.


The result is Planet Bioplastics, an innovative start-up that links entrepreneurs in the plastics sector and university professors for a better dialogue and cooperation by transferring information and skills to each other.


The laboratories of the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering host the research of Planet Bioplastics becoming a place of integration between university and company. The cooperation makes innovation possible even for small-medium companies that struggle daily to defend their position within a market increasingly dominated by large multinational companies.


The industrial objective of Planet Bioplastics is the production of biopolymer compounds in small to medium quantities for research projects and local clients, who sometimes do not find what they need with large producers.